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Kent stars grow a tash for charity
Kent stars grow a tash for charity

Kent Cricket’s players and staff will be sporting moustaches this month all in aid of charity.

There will be plenty of facial hair on show as CEO Jamie Clifford joins players Geraint Jones and Darren Stevens as they grow a tash for Movember.

The month formerly known as November is now dedicated to growing moustaches and raising awareness and funds for men’s health, specifically prostate and testicular cancer.

The Kent quartet will be donating their top lip to the cause for 30 days in an effort to help change the face of men’s health.

Their Mo’s, and those of staff at Club sponsor, Spitfire Kentish Ale will spark conversations and generate some laughs; all in the name of raising vital awareness and funds for cancers affecting men.

Kent Cricket is working with Spitfire Kentish Ale to encourage supporters to grow their own Mo’s in support of the campaign, which is gaining momentum across the country.  You can join the campaign or learn more on the Movember campaign website. Upload your Mo pictures to the Spitfire Kentish Ale Facebook page and you could also win an iPod or iPad2 for your efforts.

Kent all-rounder, Darren Stevens commented on the campaign; “This is a really good opportunity to do something different for a very good cause. I’m happy to be able to support the campaign and I’d like to encourage others to get involved.”

“I’m pleased to see that our CEO, Jamie Clifford is joining in and I hope that our involvement encourages supporters to donate to this very worthwhile cause and also spreads awareness of prostate and testicular cancer.”

Please support the Movember campaign by making a donation online:

Geraint Jones:  www.mobro.co/gojones623

Darren Stevens:   www.mobro.co/stevo208

Jamie Clifford:  www.mobro.co/jamieclifford
